Hello there, blog readers!
We bring you this break from our normal format to let you know about a couple really exciting events in our gallery this week celebrating International Brain Awareness Week.
Come have your brain scanned and meet the artist of Bridge 11: Lia Cook
We’re happy to announce that artist, Lia Cook, of our large gallery exhibition, will be in the gallery this week from 2-4 pm Wednesday — Friday conducting experiments on the science of the looking at artwork with Dr. Luca Pollonini from the University of Houston. Come have your brain scanned with a NIRS machine (that’s Near Infrared Spectroscopy for all you science buffs) while you interact with Cook’s weavings – it’s not only a fantastic opportunity to meet the artist, but you’ll also be participating in her research! NIRS scanning takes place Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 2-4 in the Large Gallery at HCCC.
Can’t make it during the day?
Come to a gallery conversation TONIGHT, Wednesday, March 14 from 6-8. You’ll be joining artist Lia Cook, Dr. Luca Pollonini, Research Assistant Professor at UH, and Dr. Tim Ellmore, Assistant Professor at The Vivian L. Smith Department of Neurosurgery, for an informal conversation about how NIRS and fMRI brain experiments work and how they inform Cook’s body of work. Promises to be a fascinating conversation!
For more information on this exhibitions, check out our website. More on Lia Cook here and on Brain Awareness Week here.
Thanks and hope to see you this week!