Crafting Live(s): 10 Years of Artists-in-Residence
As part of its 10th anniversary, Houston Center for Contemporary Craft (HCCC) presented Crafting Live(s), the first alumni exhibition of its Artist Residency Program. This show celebrated the relatively short, yet rich, history of the program, which was the motivating force behind the institution’s founding in 2001. Since then, more than 70 artists have graced the halls and studios of the facilities, bringing a dynamic energy to the field of craft and the art of making in Houston. Click here to purchase the exhibition catalog on
Craft Texas 2010
CraftTexas 2010 was the sixth in a series of juried exhibitions showcasing the best in Texas-made contemporary craft. For this show, 73 works made from clay, fiber, glass, metal, wood or found/recycled materials were selected from a pool of over 460 submissions. Works ranged in style from traditional to cutting-edge contemporary and were judged on criteria such as technical proficiency, creative and inventive use of medium and innovation in style or concept. Click here to purchase the exhibition catalogue on
IRON: Forged, Tempered, Quenched
Iron: Forged, Tempered, Quenched celebrated the rich history of American blacksmithing by bridging historical and contemporary works to illustrate the wide variety of techniques and processes currently practiced in the U.S. Iron featured more than 40 pieces by 38 artists from across the U.S., including Elizabeth Brim, Frederic Crist, Carl Jennings, John Medwedeff, Noellyn Pepos, Lee Tribe and James Wallace. Local and regional artists in the show include Dave Koenig, founder of the Houston Area Blacksmiths’ Association (HABA), and members of the Austin Metal Authority. Click here to purchase the exhibition catalogue on