Resident Artist

Above, from top to bottom: Jera Rose Petal Lodge. Photo by Amanda Shackleford. Jera Rose Petal Lodge, “Glamour Deluxe: Black & Gold,” 2014. Steel, faux gold bead. Photo by Jera Rose Petal Lodge.

Jera Rose Petal Lodge

Medium: Metal
Residency: September 1, 2014–
April 30, 2015

Jera Rose Petal Lodge is a jewelry designer who works primarily with steel and silver. Her wire-based artworks range from small-scale production and limited-edition work to large-scale, sculptural jewelry pieces. The forms she uses are frequently geometric in nature, utilizing patterns and repetition to create bold graphic shapes. Design and function are Jera’s primary concerns, and the strength and durability of steel allows her to create forms that are lightweight and visually delicate, yet sturdy and easily wearable. She often uses cold connections to introduce elements of motion, sound and playfulness into her jewelry.

Jera received her BFA in jewelry/metalsmithing from Edinboro University in 2012. Since graduating, she has worked as a jewelry production assistant, as a summer studio technician at Peters Valley Craft Center in New Jersey, and, most recently, as a summer staff assistant at Haystack Mountain School of Craft. In 2013, she started her studio jewelry business and exhibited in Craft Boston’s Spring Show as an invited artist. She was recently published in 500 Art Jewelry Necklaces.

During her residency at HCCC, Jera plans to continue with her current bodies of work, dealing with jewelry as a set of non-static objects whose significance can change when placed on or removed from the body. She will also pursue new work that explores the pluralistic results of individual creative decisions that occur during the process of making. She will be with HCCC from September, 2014, through April, 2015. To learn more about Jera, visit

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Applications for the 2025 – 2026 cycle close February 1, 2025.

The open call runs annually from December 1 through February 1. If you missed this year, we encourage you to apply next year. The Artist Residency Program is designed to offer time and space for craft artists to focus on their creative work and interact with the public. The program supports emerging, mid-career, and established artists working in all craft media, including but not limited to clay, fiber, glass, metal, wood and mixed media.

Applications for the 2025 – 2026 cycle close February 1, 2025.

The open call runs annually from December 1 through February 1. If you missed this year, we encourage you to apply next year. The Artist Residency Program is designed to offer time and space for craft artists to focus on their creative work and interact with the public. The program supports emerging, mid-career, and established artists working in all craft media, including but not limited to clay, fiber, glass, metal, wood and mixed media.

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