Pamela Sager grew up watching her grandmothers knit and quilt and completed her first quilt when she was 19. She was also influenced by her engineering father and grew up with a fascination for the artistic use of building and manufacturing materials. This fascination, combined with her love of textiles, led to a career as an interior designer and, later, as a fiber artist working primarily in industrial felt.
“I enjoy the challenge of working in three dimensions and constructing workable pieces within the parameters offered by the systemic qualities of felt. . . The conventional uses for industrial felt are endless. I am finding so are the artistic uses. The inherent properties of industrial felt, such as density and strength, make it a suitable medium for pieces where form is a priority. I also enjoy using materials in unconventional ways.”
Sager holds a BS, Magna Cum Laude, in Interior Design, from Northern Arizona University. Her work was recently exhibited in the Houston Area Fiber Artists’ 2009 Juried Exhibition at Archway Gallery, where she won the “Juror’s Choice Award.” She is a member of the Houston Association of Fiber Artists and Studio Art Quilt Associates, among other professional organizations.