Please join HCCC staff and volunteers as we make patterned clay plates. Roll your clay into a slab, or use your fingers to pinch and press it into a mold to create your plate. Make your platter pretty! Experiment with pattern strips, mark making tools, and stamps to add texture and imagery to your creation. For inspiration, be sure to stop by our exhibition spaces, featuring At Your Service, to see how other artists have approached the plate in their artwork.
Please Note: The activity will take place indoors and is on a first-come, first-served basis, while supplies last. No supplies will be handed out after 2:50 PM.
HANDS-ON HOUSTON is a free drop-in event held the first Saturday of every month. Each month, a teaching artist demonstrates a craft related to the current exhibitions. Families and children of all ages are welcome to come any time between 11 AM and 3 PM and participate in a 15-20 minute activity. Materials are provided. This program supports HCCC’s mission to advance education about the process, product and history of craft. More information at