Join HCCC and current resident artist Tim Gonchoroff to explore the art of making rope and basic knots.
Learn how to make twist rope with a hand-operated machine, similar to a technique that was used two hundred years ago. Using a variety of recycled materials, such as used fabric scraps, plastic bags, and colored yarn, create your own pattern and texture for your unique rope. Practice a few simple knots, and explore other types of ropes and their uses in everyday life.
Note: Please allow 25 minutes to complete this activity. The activity will take place indoors and is on a first-come, first-served basis, while supplies last.
HANDS-ON HOUSTON is a free drop-in event held the first Saturday of every month. Each month, a teaching artist demonstrates a craft related to the current exhibitions. Families and children of all ages are welcome to come any time between 11 AM and 3 PM and participate in a 15 – 20-minute activity. Materials are provided. This program supports HCCC’s mission to advance education about the process, product, and history of craft. Learn more here.